Published in Strange Days Volume 14

My story “Tús Nua” has been published in Strange Days Volume 14, which you can order now! Check out the promo below:

This story was originally written for a publication similar to Strange Days Zine. So much so that the story’s theme of death and rebirth fit both publications’ needs. For whatever reason, the first zine I submitted it to completely ghosted me. I don’t know if the submission got sent to their spam folder or what, but it doesn’t really matter because I’m thrilled that the story found a home at Strange Days.

The general premise of the story is about an ancient Celtic God who sees all the seasons simultaneously. When he stumbles upon a dying warrior, he sees the man’s death, body decomposition, and ultimately, how the man’s body feeds nature and is reborn. It’s a fun lyrical story and I think it fits well with Strange Days’ focus on folklore and mythology.

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