Published in miniMAG Issue 96

My story “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” has been published in miniMAG Issue 96. I don’t have a promo video for this one so I’ll just tell you a bit about the story, which you can read for free by clicking the link above.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind was inspired by a Yukio Mishima story I read years ago (the name of his story eludes me at the moment). I wrote this story at least five years ago and I think it was originally titled “A Day at the Beach” or something like that. The premise is simple: a single mother takes her two young children out for a day of fun at the beach. Preoccupied with texting a man she met on a dating app, she loses sight of her kids who were playing in the ocean. Cue the panic!

I sent this story to a few publications but they didn’t want it. Since the story is older, my writing wasn’t where I wanted it to be, so I ultimately went back through this past year and tweaked some things. After that, I sent it out to a few more places, one of them being an esteemed literary review that really liked it but didn’t have an open spot for it. This let me know that the story was worth something.

Over the winter, I submitted it to miniMAG and a bunch of other places; miniMAG was the first place to respond so they got the rights to publish the story. The mag is pretty cool and I’m happy with how it turned out. Being a more literary story, this is probably one of the most relatable things I’ve had published as of late.

I hope you enjoy it.

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